A couple's journey through international adoption to becoming a family
About Us
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The latest news is that our coordinator saw the judge Monday and he told her to come back AGAIN Friday. It seems that he just doesn't feel that we have all waited long enough yet. The problem is that he just keeps stringing us along, week by week. If we would have known that it would be a month or two, it would have been easier to handle. The day by day, week by week is definitely tough. Nonetheless, we are hanging in there. We know that in the scheme of life, it will be SOON. Such a relative term. Does it mean a couple more days? A couple more weeks? or what? Only God knows.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Making God Laugh
I had to post this quote. It is from a new movie coming out this summer called "Bella" it's about adoption. It sure fits our journey:
“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”
From an old Yiddish proverb,"Mann tracht und Gott lacht."
“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”
From an old Yiddish proverb,"Mann tracht und Gott lacht."
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Turning Point
My heart has been very calm and positive this week. This is really a turning point. For months I have been telling myself to "let go and let God," but telling and doing can be two different things, entirely. I think the series of events that have transpired over the last month has simply worn me down. I can't give this any more stress, I HAVE FINALLY actually let go. It is amazing the peace and confidence that I feel. I know that God is answering my prayers, I just don't know when. I don't care, because I am sure that His timing will work better than mine anyway. I think I have finally caught up with Ken. He is excited and anxious, but always seems to remain calm and confident about it. He has truly been a rock for me.
I debated on naming this post, "Whatever" a thing I hear the kids say a little too often, but I think it fits. The latest I heard from the Russian front was that, the judge was in and out yesterday, our coordinator tried to grab him today - and he made an appointment with her for Monday (Feb 26). The other family that has been in Yaroslavl getting their son is leaving this weekend - so hopefully he will now issue a court date (finally!) for us! Whatever.
I debated on naming this post, "Whatever" a thing I hear the kids say a little too often, but I think it fits. The latest I heard from the Russian front was that, the judge was in and out yesterday, our coordinator tried to grab him today - and he made an appointment with her for Monday (Feb 26). The other family that has been in Yaroslavl getting their son is leaving this weekend - so hopefully he will now issue a court date (finally!) for us! Whatever.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A Time for Everything
We have heard nothing yet. Apparently, our coordinator did not get any information from the judge last Friday. I am guessing she probably did not even speak to him. We were told that she will try again today. I cannot keep doing this (moment by moment, day by day), so I have to let it go or I will drive myself crazy (actually, I think I am half way there, so I will have to turn around and drive back). I will leave this in God’s hands. Right now, I am reflecting on a passage I read for a service recently:
“There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.” (Eccl 3:1)
We are confident our time will come.
“There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.” (Eccl 3:1)
We are confident our time will come.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Easing our pain
For all those who are waiting breathlessly with us, I thought it best to post something today even though there is really nothing to post. Our coordinator was supposed to meet the judge and get dates today, but no one has heard anything from her. We know that she has her hands full with another family who is in town, so we will continue to be patient and wait our turn. I know that many of you are struggling with all this waiting almost as much as we are. We appreciate your love and prayers and will continue to update this blog the minute we hear anything. Even as minor as it may be.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Drawing out the Torture
Our translator did meet with the judge yesterday. He told her that he is finally pretty much done reviewing our dossier. He asked her how long he has had the dossier now, and she told him 2 weeks - and he basically said to come back in on Friday for the dates (he just didn't feel like he had tortured us quite enough yet). Apparently - he just plans to "hold" or review dossiers for 2 weeks before giving a court date - not sure - but looks like we may finally have a date on Friday, February 16th. The best news so far, is that he has not asked for any other documents, or changes - This is great! Just hanging on till Friday. I know there are a lot of you hanging on with us. Thanks for that and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Today's News?
Our Russian coordinator was supposed to have a meeting with the judge today about our documents. We have been waiting to hear the results of that meeting but nothing yet. I don’t have any idea what to think. Except, I guess we will hear something tommorrow. This waiting is the hardest of all, and we have certainly had more than our fair share of it. And now, here I am again with my phone hung around my neck so that I don’t miss the call we are waiting for. The upside is that I really know what it means to pray unceasingly. I go about my day trying to live in the moment with a constant prayer in my heart. I’ll post as soon as I hear any news. Thanks for checking in with us.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
A Little More Time
The judge said he needs a little more time. He asked our translator to come back next Tuesday at 4PM. The good news is that he has looked through most of our documents and doesn't have any problems so far. The bad news is that we need to wait a little longer to hear anything definitive. We had our hearts steeled for further delay, so we are hanging in there and are still very hopeful.
Monday, February 05, 2007
An Evening of Blessing
Friday night, February 2nd was such a special evening of blessing from all the women in my life. My female friends hosted an adoption/orphanage shower. To me it was like a mini women's retreat. I was showered not only with gifts, but with love, blessings and advice. Katie, a special friend (and mother of little Noah, who has been instrumental in our journey to family) gave a heartfelt reflection, then opened the floor to everyone else to share about an important woman in their life, or words of wisdom to pass to me. My heart and my being were lifted. I felt enriched with insight and indoctrinated into the kinship of motherhood. The past several months have been very trying, as a result I managed to put a steel cage around my heart to protect myself. It has been hard to open that cage and let myself experience the joy of being so close to the end of this darkness. But this experience with the special women in my life has opened the flood gates of joy. I am so grateful and very humbled by the expressions of love and support. I am especially grateful that my sister-in-law, Laura was able to come all the way from Seattle to represent my mother and sisters. I know that many family and friends were not able to be present physically due to distance and other personal reasons, but I know that the spirit of all was present. Special thanks go to Gail for arranging the celebration and all the logistics and to Katie for a poignant program.
A Longer Night
Well, the judge has had our documents since Jan 24th. The 1st appointment with him scheduled for Jan 31st was postponed till Friday, Feb 2nd. That day, he told our translator that he was only part way through his review and needed another week. So, we sit tight till next Friday. I am told these little delays are par for the course. They are common and don't worry us at all. We are a little behind in our preparations for Ruslan's coming, so we are happy to have a little extra time. We know that the dawn of our family is imminent, it is just the preceding darkness that will be a little bit longer.