
A couple's journey through international adoption to becoming a family

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Learning, Loving and Adapting

Wow, I have had a hard time finding time to post here. Ruslan as well as work has been keeping me really busy. Ken is busy at work also and we are trying to juggle those responsibilities as well as our parenting ones.
Amazing strides are occurring everyday. Mamichka has learned a lot more about Ruslan and how to keep him happy and he responds with love and affection. He no longer cringes when Mama tries to kiss or hug him. In fact, he really seems to enjoy when Mama runs her fingers through his hair or hugs him. The other night, Ken had a late evening meeting and Mama was left alone with Ruslan again. He wanted her to give him a bath, then he wanted to cuddle with her in front of the T.V. watching American Idol. He fell asleep in Mama's embrace. As he was being carried to bed, he woke up and wanted to say prayers and kiss and hug goodnight.

Ruslan has started to talk baby talk over the last several days and wants Mama to change him (even though we know he can change himself). We indulge him in this because we think it is a way of him letting down his guard and letting Mama get closer to him.

Yesterday, Mama bought Ruslan a razor scooter, with helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. Boy, was there one happy boy. He didn't take the helmet or pads off all day. Ruslan loves being outside and is particularly happy playing with anything with wheels. He loves to drive around with Mama and is constantly giving her driving tips (a real backseat driver). He also insists on opening the door for Mama and makes sure she is seated before he gets in and buckles himself into his car seat. He also jumps out of his car seat as soon as the car stops, so that he can open door for Mama. Not sure where he has learned this chivalry, but it is very cute. He takes care of Mama and Mama takes care of him.

Ruslan gets very excited when Papa comes home at night. He loves to rough house with Papa. It is good because we have found that a little exertion after dinner helps to keep him in bed a little longer in the morning. Hence, how I am writing this blog and getting a little time to myself.


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