We thought we would have heard news of our referral last week, but nothing. Today I found out that the Russian lawyer who is working for the adoption center (handling our case) got married and went on a honeymoon. She left last week and will be gone this week too. She is due back next Monday. Apparently, she had hoped to get our paperwork before she left, but that didn't happen. So we continue to wait. Waiting is the hardest part of this entire journey. I have to admit that I have not always been very good at it, but I see that the Lord is providing me with ample opportunity to grow in this area. Thanks, Lord always looking out after me ;) . . . . . . . I started looking back through my hand-written journal in hopes of finding some lost inspiration. Sure enough, I found it. A year and 4 months ago, Mother's Day 2005, I knew that my annunciation had taken place. It was proclaimed that I would be a mother. I never knew at that time just how long this gestation period would last. I probably would have really freaked out if I did know then what I know now. It is funny how we can handle long waits better in little pieces. Breaking it down, taking it step by step. The passage that hits me today is "Blest is she who trusted that the Lord's word to her would be fulfilled." Luke 1:45 Today, I am focusing on my trust in the Lord.
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