
A couple's journey through international adoption to becoming a family

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Location: United States

Thursday, August 10, 2006

At Our Age

We are joining a growing trend of mid-life parenting. I felt it was important to share our thoughts on this topic, since every now and again someone says to me "Wow, I don't understand starting this at your age." Usually, a comment like this is made by someone whose children are already grown and out of the house and now they are enjoying their new found freedom. These people like the majority out there started their parenting journey much earlier in life. While they were changing diapers and running around to little league, etc., Ken and I were advancing our educations and careers, travelling, improving our golf games, and indulging in our many hobbies. At a moments notice we have been ready to wine and dine with friends or otherwise enjoy some last minute invitation. We've taken advantage of and fully enjoyed our time as DINKs. I remember a time when one of my employees was lamenting her lack of advancement at work with envy toward my upwardly mobile status. She had several young kids at home who were constantly calling her at work and to whom she ran home to immediately at quitting time. Me, I stayed late, came in on weekends and was very focused on my job. I thoroughly enjoyed my career. LIFE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE DRASTICALLY. Yes, we know it. We are about to be more tied down than we have ever experienced before. But, we also know that this is the right time for us. We have no regrets about what we are giving up, since we have already done it all. Our greatest enjoyment is spent in sharing in a little persons life. We cherish watching their excitement over a catepillar, or seeing them grow in understanding of life, sharing in their learning and developing of confidence. I think our age and experience creates a greater appreciation for the small things. All the small things we have missed thus far. We are both much more patient and centered and self-confident than ever before. We have much to offer our children and can't wait to discover what they will share with us. We certainly haven't gone into this adventure lightly, we have discussed, examined ourselves, and considered many options as would be expected at our age. In fact, for anyone considering this option of mid-life parenting or adoption in general, I would highly recommend the adoption consultant that we saw who helped us sort things out. Her name was Sara Lively (see the link attached to this post). Above all we believe that family is the purpose of life, it ranks the highest in our scheme of values right below faith in God. Our journey may not be typical, but that's OK with us.


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