
A couple's journey through international adoption to becoming a family

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Location: United States

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Happy Boy!

Today we had a conversation with one of the orphanage personnel who told us that Ruslan is so excited to come with us that he is having a hard time sleeping. She said that usually he has no trouble taking his afternoon nap, but he told her that lately he can’t stop thinking about what lays before him; the time we will be in Yaroslavl, the train ride and trip to Moscow, the long plane ride home, not to mention his new life in America. She also said that he can’t stop talking about his Mom and Dad. He brags about us all the time to his teachers and the other kids in the orphanage. “My mom this…; and my dad that…” She said that he thinks we are terrific. He is one happy boy. He is just a little afraid that we might change our minds about him, so he wants us to come and get him soon. He knows that we are waiting for some paperwork to be completed, but she said that he asks everyday, why the paperwork is not done yet.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude to learn about all this. Even though we are a little nervous every time before we have a meeting with Ruslan, we always end up with such a good feeling when we see him. He is just so darn cute and engaging. We have been worried about the language barrier, because he just chatters away at us and we don’t have a clue what he is saying. He doesn’t seem to get frustrated, but we have a feeling that day will come. Right now he is so curious about everything. The last time he was over here at the apartment, he had to snoop around every room, turning on and off the light switches and touching everything we would let him touch. Every thing is so new and he is enjoying every minute of his new discoveries. We asked him if he was afraid, and he says very confidently, “no, of course not.”

Because his world has been so small, we know that we will have to protect him for awhile until he aclimates to the new culture. This will truly be a huge transition for him.

Today, we got to see him again and took him to the park just outside the apartment. He started playing with another boy about his age. For a time, papa and mama were left in the dust; but we soon started to interject ourselves into their play to not be left out. The other little boy couldn't quite understand why we weren't talking much. Ruslan was trying to explain to him, when he realized that we spoke English. This other little boy also knew some English that he had been learning in school, so he started to talk to us. Ruslan was not happy about it. He quickly ran to me and hugged me around my legs. I realized that he is still insecure about our love. I think he didn't want the other boy to take over our affections. He started to pull us away and wanted us to go home.

I can't wait to be with our little guy 24/7. It does seem like this is taking a long time; but of course, what else should I have expected. Our 10 day wait period should be up this Friday (Good Friday), but the court has decided they can't issue our decree until Monday. The passport office won't be open Monday, so we won't be able to get Ruslan until Tuesday. Ugh! We leave Rybinsk on Saturday morning and will have a couple of days in Yaroslavl by ourselves. Hopefully, we will get a driver to take us to visit Ruslan on Monday. It is getting closer to when we will be a true family. We hope to be able to express to Ruslan how much we love him so that he won't have to worry or be insecure about it.


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