Final Post from Moscow

Right now we are waiting for the driver to take us back to the Demedovo airport in Moscow for our journey home. We have enjoyed our stay here in Moscow, although is was much longer than anticipated. We had hoped to be longer in Yaroslavl. Ken says he has seen enough museums to last him for the next few years.
Overall, we think Moscow is a beautiful city. Not just because of the the history, art, and architecture but mostly because of the people. We have found the people to be kind, generous, patient and friendly. We have noticed no negative feelings toward us as Americans. We have been very appreciative of everyone's patience with our lack of language skills. They seem genuinely appreciative of any efforts we have made to speak their language.
Most of all we will be missing Ruslan. We know that we are very blessed to call him "son." Even though it is premature to say so, since he has certainly already been born in our hearts. Since it is premature, we have removed the pictures of him from this site. We can't officially call him son until the final court hearing. Right now, we are very anxious to get home and finish all the final paperwork. Once it is submitted, it must be translated and reviewed by the judge in Yaroslavl. Then, he will set a court hearing for us. After his pronouncement at that hearing, we can officially call Ruslan, "son."
We are being very hopeful that we will get this accomplished before the end of the year, even though that will be a tough order. It could take several weeks for the judge to review our final documents. If there is a delay until after the 1st of the year, then it will have to wait until after the Russian holidays (after mid January). At that time, some of our documents expire and we are in the paperchase all over again. We will be praying hard and working hard to beat some of these deadlines.
We do not want to say good-bye to Russia (das vidanya), just so long for now (paka). Please hold our heart with care until we return.
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